Wyświetlanie pozycji 13-32 z 38

    • Kierunki rozwoju dystrybucji dóbr konsumpcyjnych w globalizującym się świecie 

      Reformat, Beata (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2004)
      The paper presents the basic strategy of distribution in the context of globalization processes in the world. The problem of globalization is discussed in aspect of trends in distribution development on consumer goods ...
    • Koncepcyjno-metodyczne problemy badania racjonalności zachowań konsumentów 

      Kieżel, Ewa (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2004)
      Rationality, with reference to consumer behaviours, has relative but also specific character. Operations that are based on logical reflections, concerning relation between goals and means to achieve them and also between ...
    • Konsument we współczesnym świecie 

      Niemczyk, Agata (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2004)
      The paper deals with some factors forming behavior of present consumer. Among of them the author indicates: the processes of globalization; fate factors, such as wars, epidemics; processes of imitation; processes of ...
    • Marka na rynku dydaktyki internetowej 

      Ratalewska, Magdalena ORCID; Zrobek, Janusz (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2004)
      The paper presents issues connected with creation of the brand in the market of e-learning. It is important to make that brand well known and competitive. It can help the firm to reach a good position in the market of e-learning.
    • Marketingowe ujęcie modeli handlu elektronicznego na rynku B2C 

      Drygas, Piotr (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2004)
      Despite the dynamic development of e-commerce some companies still forget that besides the technical sphere of e-shops, marketing issues are also very important. The marketing operations are just the implementation of ...
    • Metody kształcenia menedżerów na wyższych uczelniach 

      Krawczyńska, Aleksandra; Sibińska, Anna ORCID (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2004)
      The aims of the article are to contribute to a better understanding of the nature and extent of future managers' skills and abilities and show the role of higher business education in developing these features in graduates. ...
    • Nauczanie wirtualne w kształceniu menedżerów 

      Sosnowski, Jarosław (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2004)
      Increasing demand on knowledge in modern society extorts permanent education by the whole life. The telecommunicational technologies make possible the winning right away the knowledge of the residence or seat of the firm. ...
    • Nowa Gospodarka a nowa konsumpcja 

      Bywalec, Czesław (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2004)
      A tremendous scientific and technical development, which took place in the last decades of 20th century and the appearance of so called high technologies (also called new economy), hasn't resulted, however, in a fast ...
    • Postawy i zachowania polskich konsumentów u progu integracji z UE (w świetle wyników badań ankietowych) 

      Mazurek-Łopacińska, Krystyna (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2004)
      European culture is the mélange of cultural heritages regional, local and minority cultures. Polish people associate European culture with values such as: tolerance for others, openness on new ideas, environment protection, ...
    • Postawy polskich konsumentów wobec produktów ekologicznych jako przejaw globalnego trendu ekologicznego 

      Mackiewicz-Walczak, Inez; Remi, Małgorzata (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2004)
      Nowadays can be observed spreading of global idea and shaping of similar consciences. Uniformity of the consumers behaviour which is the consequence of the information access and larger consumers mobility is connected also ...
    • Problematyka e-biznesu w edukacji menedżerskiej (na przykładzie bloku specjalizacyjnego e-commerce) 

      Gregor, Bogdan ORCID; Stawiszyński, Marcin (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2004)
      Main aim of the paper is to present the idea of e-commerce specialisation programme. E-commerce is one of eight programmes chosen by the fourth year students of Faculty of Management and Marketing. This specialisation is ...
    • Próba oceny chłonności rynku pracy na specjalistów z zakresu zarządzania i marketingu 

      Ciechomski, Wiesław (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2004)
      The paper contains an analysis of students' demand on faculty of management and marketing. It is still the most popular faculty in Poland (250 thousands students study management and marketing). The faculty is lectured not ...
    • Przemiany strukturalne w warunkach globalizacji rynku 

      Sławińska, Maria (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2004)
      This paper analyses structural changes, both quantitative as well as qualitative, taking place in trade as a result of the market globalization processes. The changes in the trade sector, which is considered to be a dispersed ...
    • Rewitalizacja handlu w centrach dużych ośrodków miejskich na przykładzie Poznania 

      Mikołajczyk, Jan (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2004)
      The paper deals with the process of retailing revitalisation in the city centers. Poznan is one of the cities, where the authorities are preparing plan of wide range of activities, which objective is to increase the ...
    • Rola studiów magisterskich i podyplomowych w budowaniu kapitału intelektualnego 

      Kozielski, Robert ORCID; Trzmielak, Dariusz (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2004)
      The key for any successful market activity at the beginning of 21st century lies in the ability of its personnel to increase their future oriented knowledge skills. This begins with identifying and understanding the forces ...
    • Rola symboli w zachowaniach konsumenckich a wyzwania Nowej Gospodarki 

      Tkaczyk, Jolanta (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2004)
      The efficient communication between the enterprise and its environment made through the product consists in the proper use of symbols and their transfer to the product image and its attributes. Structural changes, which ...
    • Strategie dystrybucji spółek joint venture 

      Czubała, Anna; Zembura, Renata (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2004)
      In the text there are presented distribution strategies in joint venture enterprises in Poland. Authors describe the determinants of distribution channel choices in joint ventures operating in Poland and on international ...
    • Struktura otoczenia polskich gospodarstw domowych - próba klasyfikacji 

      Kramer, Józefa (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2004)
      The households' environment is a system of conditions, which determine the functioning of households, especially their condition and their behavior on the market and during the consumption process. This environment is ...
    • Usługi edukacyjne szkół wyższych w Polsce wobec rozwoju nowych technologii 

      Pluta-Olearnik, Mirosława (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2014)
      The aim of this article is the analyses and evaluation of education process changes on the level of higher education, influenced by new ICT technologies innovation. The primary subject of the article is Polish HE institution ...
    • Warunki implementacji partnerskich relacji w kanałach rynku (na przykładzie zarządzania kategoriami) 

      Iwińska- Knop, Krystyna (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2004)
      The purpose of the article is to outline conditions of creating partner relationships i market channels. The analysis was done on an example of category management. Main focus has been placed on organizational aspects as ...