Wychowanie do samodzielności – rola nauczyciela wychowania przedszkolnego w kreowaniu otoczenia wokół dziecka
Self-reliance in behavioral concepts is an ability allowing an individual to proceed an activity regardless of the environment. It is the ability acquired by means of systematical practice. It is a lifelong process. However, the most intense changes occur in childhood and adolescence. A selfreliant child means a self-reliant adult in the future. Educating a child for self-reliance is a responsibility of adults, i.e. teachers and parents. There are no ready made patterns of forming a small child’s self-reliance which is determined by many factors. Every child has their own pace of development and the level of self-reliance depends on their capacity, abilities and the environment they are in. There are numerous school and kindergarten situations which a teacher can use to teach and improve children’s self-reliance. One of them is organizing educational environment in such a way that no-one should help out children in their everyday activities such as personal hygiene, meals, playing, tidying their classrooms, being on duty as well as interpersonal communication.
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