Browsing Analizy i próby technik badawczych w socjologii T. 03 by Title
Now showing items 1-11 of 11
Analiza błędów pracy ankietera w wywiadzie kwestionariuszowym na podstawie zapisu magnetofonowego
(Ossolineum, 1970)In the analysis the authors try to define the number and character of errors made by the interviewers during questionnaire interviewing and they endeavour to explain the reasons they are due to. The analysis is based on ... -
Analiza porównawcza wartości danych zdobytych przy pomocy różnych technik
(Ossolineum, 1970)The paper presents a comparative - analysis of the results obtained by means of “captive” audience questionnaire, an interview with a known and unknown respondent. The author tried to answer two essential questions: 1. ... -
Dobór próby udziałowej i role ankieterów w badaniach małej społeczności lokalnej
(Ossolineum, 1970)In the paper the author presents selected results of analyses referring to the methods of first contacts with respondents and that behaviour of interviewers which defines their social role during the interview. At the same ... -
Dwie techniki pomiaru poziomu piśmienności w krajach słabo rozwiniętych
(Ossolineum, 1970)There is a general feeling that the technique used so far in national censuses to identify illiterates among adult populations does not give valid results, as it consists in asking a person to evaluate his ability to read ... -
Kontrola procesu badawczego w małej społeczności
(Ossolineum, 1970)The appearance of a team of interviewers among the population of a small community, uncustomed to surveys, may influence the behaviour of respondents. It is probable that rumours about the contents and purpose of interviewing ... -
Metody i techniki badań socjologicznych. Bibliografia prac opublikowanych w Polsce i tłumaczeń autorów polskich za granicą w latach 1945-1968
(Ossolineum, 1970)A Bibliography The bibliography includes books and papers published in 1945-1969, which deal with the methodological problems of empirical research in sociology and especially with procedures and techniques applied in the ... -
Modelowa i rzeczywista sytuacja wywiadów prowadzonych przez ankieterów społecznych w zbiorowościach lokalnych
(Ossolineum, 1970)The paper describes the interviewing methods in sample survey. The main topic deals with the analysis of the interviewers’ behaviour in selecting respondents in the light of theoretical principles and methodological ... -
Osoby trzecie w wywiadzie socjologicznym i ich wpływ na odpowiedzi respondentów
(Ossolineum, 1970)In many sociological books and in instructions for interviewers a directive can be found telling the interviewer to interview only the respondent himself. The presence of any third persons is considered to have negative ... -
Problemy społecznej sytuacji wywiadów w badaniach nad stosunkiem ludności do planowania rodziny w krajach słabo rozwiniętych
(Ossolineum, 1970)Analysing the survey carried out in Algeria on the attitude towards contraceptive practice and fertility and on the knowledge of and practice in preventing pregnancy the author discusses the problem of inadequacy of „western ... -
Przeprowadzenie wywiadów z więźniami w zakładach karnych
(Ossolineum, 1970)The author who has been interviewing women in prison makes use of her experiences to present some methodological conclusions concerning the method and specific character of interviewing prisoners. The article is based on ...