Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-7 z 7
Przedmiot ekonomii politycznej w ujęciu polskich ekonomistów liberalnych okresu międzywojennego
(Uniwersytet Łódzki, 1982)
The conceptions of the Polish liberal economists are quite
differentiated - starting with the orthodox liberalism of Krzyżanowski
and Heydel, through the moderate liberalism of Taylor
and Zawadzki, to the distinctly ...
Poglądy ekonomiczne Edwarda Bernsteina (zasadnicze tezy)
(Uniwersytet Łódzki, 1982)
The process of revision of Marx' theories, which was postulated by Edward Bernstein, at the turn of 19th and 20th centuries concerned mainly the economic problems, the solution of which was of fundamental importance in ...
Czynniki określające ewolucję struktury agrarnej w pracach Władysława Grabskiego
(Uniwersytet Łódzki, 1982)
The article deals with analys is of W. Grabski's views on
the evolution of the agrarian structure (Grabski was one of the
leading agricultural economists in the inter-war period in Poland), Grabski was consistently ...
André Philip o planowaniu gospodarczym. Przyczynek do charakterystyki poglądów współczesnych socjalistów francuskich
(Uniwersytet Łódzki, 1982)
Andre Philip is an aminent representative of the contemporary French socialism. He devotes a great deel of his attantion to
problems of the planning in the capitalist society. Such planning
is considered by him to be a ...
Michael Harrington o ubóstwie i walce z ubóstwem w Stanach Zjednoczonych
(Uniwersytet Łódzki, 1982)
Michael Harrington has been interested in the problem of poverty in the United States for many years. In his opinion the poverty problem is a social problem. The poverty of particular
people, according to him, is not a ...
Katolicyzm społeczny a kapitalizm. Krytyka kapitalizmu - antykapitalistyczna czy prokapitalistyczna
(Uniwersytet Łódzki, 1982)
Criticism of the capitalism may be performed from different
positions end for different purposes. And accordingly wishing to
define the character of the catholic criticism of the capitalism in a proper way, the author ...
Ekonomika nauki jako nowo wyodrębniająca się dyscyplina naukowa
(Uniwersytet Łódzki, 1982)
The article deals with presentation of the process of formation of a new scientific discipline - economics of science (or: economics of scientific researches). The author has performed a
short review of different works ...