Recent Submissions

  • Metody kontroli procesu projektowania i dokumentacji projektowej systemów informatycznych 

    Idzikowska, Gabriela; Owczarek, Zofia (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 1992)
    The article deals with problems concerning the control of the process of designing information systems and of the design documentation connected with it. Such controls aim at increasing the reliability of information ...
  • Metody kontroli systemów informatycznych bez wykorzystania komputera 

    Woźniakowska, Elżbieta (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 1992)
    The article contains a short review of the methods of the control of information systems such as: analysis of tests results, interviews, questionnaires, block diagrams and decision tables. The authoress points out advantages ...
  • Zasady korekcji błędów w systemie informatycznym 

    Woźniakowska, Elżbieta (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 1992)
    The article deals with the control of input data in information systems. There are described in it the mode of procedure in case of detecting an error and the information which should be included in the report of errors. ...
  • Metody kontroli funkcjonowania systemów informatycznych 

    Idzikowska, Gabriela; Owczarek, Zofia (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 1992)
    The article contains a review of the methods of controlling the functioning of information systems. The use of these methods guarantees correctness of data contained in files, which is an indispensable condition for effective ...
  • Automatyzacja dekretowania dowodów księgowych 

    Ziemecka, Małgorzata (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 1992)
    The article contains a comprehensive review of the used methods of an automatic decreeing of Book-keeping vouchers. The first part of the article explains the term itself and the principles of decreeing vouchers in a ...
  • Ocena adekwatności modeli symulacyjnych 

    Mokros, Tomasz (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 1992)
    The main problem encountered while conducting simulation experiments is referring an accepted model and results obtained by means of it to a simulated fragment of reality. All the problems appearing here are called ari ...
  • Przegląd profesjonalnych systemów zarządzania relacyjnymi bazami danych 

    Pamula, Anna ORCID; Zawada, Marek (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 1992)
    Relational data bases are a novel but very dynamically developing field of knowledge. The article contains a review of the available and most popular systems of management of data bases. Its introductory part describes the ...
  • Zagrożenia danych w systemach informatycznych 

    Idzikowska, Gabriela; Owczarek, Zofia (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 1992)
    The article discusses the problem of threats connected with introduction of informatics to data processing. There are analyzed typical deliberate and non-deliberate threats (computer offences) and ways of counteracting them.