Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-5 z 5

    • „Ale pachniały zioła…”. Kilka uwag o Orfeuszu i Eurydyce Czesława Miłosza 

      Brzozowski, Jacek (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2012)
      The text is an attempt to prove that the descent to the underworld that the poem depicts (written after Carol’s death) led the Old Poet-Orpheus to absolute, completely objective and maximally interiorized knowledge of ...
    • Groza władzy. O Królu Popielu 

      Jaworski, Marcin (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2012)
      King Popiel opens Miłosz’s first poetry book that was published entirely overseas, after the author’s emigration. The book opens a new stage of his artistic career. It records a reflection on the nature of power. Various ...
    • Litewskie obchody stulecia urodzin Czesława Miłosza 

      Dalecka, Teresa (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2012)
      On June 27–28, the Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore and the Vilnius University organized an international conference “Times and Places of Czeslaw Milosz“. The one hundredth anniversary of the birth of ...
    • „Poza wierszem i prozą, poza intencją i uzasadnieniem”. O granicach wierszowości w serii przypisów do utworu Zmieniał się język 

      Cieślak-Sokołowski, Tomasz (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2012)
      The article attempts to outline such a concept of critical reading which would take into consideration the deconstructive practice of American critics, which could be applied to the interpretation of Polish modern poetry. ...
    • Rok Miłosza w czasopismach literackich 

      Kałowska, Agnieszka (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2012)
      The article is a review of important articles concerning the works of Czesław Milosz which were published in 2011, the Year of Czeslaw Milosz. The author investigates which aspects of the poet’s works are still interesting ...