Wyświetlanie pozycji 19-38 z 43

    • Groza władzy. O Królu Popielu 

      Jaworski, Marcin (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2012)
      King Popiel opens Miłosz’s first poetry book that was published entirely overseas, after the author’s emigration. The book opens a new stage of his artistic career. It records a reflection on the nature of power. Various ...
    • "Ikwa i ja" - wiersz okolicznościowy, próba rozrachunku z romantyzmem czy utwór "domowy"? 

      Cieślak, Tomasz (Primum Verbum, 2012)
      This essay is an attempt to analyze Ikwa i ja [The Ikva River and Me], a poem by Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz (1894–1980). It was first published on 26 June 1927 in “Wiadomości Literackie” and then in the volume Return to Europe ...
    • Impresje „archiwisty”… 

      Berkan-Jabłońska, Maria (Wydawnictwo PRIMUM VERBUM, 2012)
      The article addresses some aspects of the work in the archives in Vilnius. The author emphasizes that the Vilnius archives contain a lot of valuable literary documents and materials relating to the Polish literature, ...
    • Jak nas czytają za granicą? Ankieta 

      Grigorowa, Margreta (Wydawnictwo PRIMUM VERBUM, 2012)
      Answering questions about the functioning of Polish literature and culture in university circles in her country, Margreta Grigorowa provides detailed and precise information about the reception, impact and institutional ...
    • Jak nas czytają za granicą? Ankieta 

      Janiszewski, Aleksander (Wydawnictwo PRIMUM VERBUM, 2012)
      Responding to the questionnaire, the researcher discusses his interests and the specifics of Polish literature reception in the Ukrainian academic circles. He also points out the key features of Polish literature. He ...
    • Jak nas czytają za granicą? Ankieta 

      Zhenhui, Zhang (Wydawnictwo PRIMUM VERBUM, 2012)
      In response to the questions posed in the questionnaire, the scholar discusses the interest in Polish culture in China, considering the status of Polish literature in Europe and pointing to its characteristic feature — ...
    • Jak nas czytają za granicą? Ankieta 

      Pelurityte-Tikuisiene, Audinga (Wydawnictwo PRIMUM VERBUM, 2012)
      Audinga Peluritytė-Tikuišienė shows that despite the common history and treating the contemporary Polish culture and language as a bridge to Europe, Lithuanian writers are turning more toward the East. The author herself, ...
    • Jarosława Iwaszkiewicza wiersz „pośmiertny” 

      Brzozowski, Jacek (Primum Verbum, 2012)
      The main subject of the text is the poem with an incipit of “Mamo, czy ja oślepłem…” (“Mother, have I gone blind…”), which is the final poem in the Pini di Roma series, published in the second edition of Śpiewnik włoski ...
    • Ku śmierci ze skazą „niegotowości”? — o kilku czytelniczych spojrzeniach na Sérénité Jarosława Iwaszkiewicza 

      Berkan-Jabłońska, Maria (Primum Verbum, 2012)
      This article proposes to read Iwaszkiewicz’s story titled Sérénité with more suspicion than it has been done in a traditional, usually enthusiastic reception of this prose. Firstly, the text presents typical approaches ...
    • Litewskie obchody stulecia urodzin Czesława Miłosza 

      Dalecka, Teresa (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2012)
      On June 27–28, the Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore and the Vilnius University organized an international conference “Times and Places of Czeslaw Milosz“. The one hundredth anniversary of the birth of ...
    • Lustra, symptomy i głębsze znaczenie 

      Mazan, Bogdan (Wydawnictwo PRIMUM VERBUM, 2012)
      This was the title of a review of the book Konopnicka. Lustra i symptomy (słowo/obraz terytoria, Gdańsk 2011, p. 575) by Lena Magnore. The book is an abridged and edited version of her doctoral thesis. Opinions in my ...
    • Moje czytanie "Lalki" 

      Samborska-Kukuć, Dorota Karolina (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2012)
      Lalka is an open literary work that becomes richer as the reader is growing older and is, therefore, an “infinite” task for interpretation. My look at the masterpiece by Prus as a text based on the model of Greek tragedy ...
    • O Niewygodzie 

      Pietrych, Krystyna (Primum Verbum, 2012)
      The text provides a detailed interpretation of the poem Niewygoda (Discomfort), written by Iwaszkiewicz at the end of his life, situated among other achievements of his late poetry and confronted with his diary entries. ...
    • Od redakcji 

      Nieznany autor (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2012)
    • Poetyckie powroty Tuwima do Łodzi i Inowłodza 

      Ratajska, Krystyna (Primum Verbum, 2012)
      Reflections on Julian Tuwim’s poems Podróż (Journey, 1924) and [“Ja do ciebie nie mogę, nie mogę...”] ([“I cannot, I cannot go to you ...”], 1952) focus on a common theme of a man rooted in the homeland of his childhood ...
    • Potyczki teorii i zdrowego rozsądku 

      Morawiec, Arkadiusz (Wydawnictwo PRIMUM VERBUM, 2012)
      The review concerns the Polish edition of the book Le démon de la theorie. Littérature et sens by Antoine Compagnon. The book contains a critical analysis of seven central questions of the theory of literature: literariness, ...
    • „Poza wierszem i prozą, poza intencją i uzasadnieniem”. O granicach wierszowości w serii przypisów do utworu Zmieniał się język 

      Cieślak-Sokołowski, Tomasz (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2012)
      The article attempts to outline such a concept of critical reading which would take into consideration the deconstructive practice of American critics, which could be applied to the interpretation of Polish modern poetry. ...
    • Przed bramą. Od alegorii do katachrezy 

      Kunz, Tomasz (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2012)
      The allegorical story entitled At the Gate, which appeared as the eighth chapter of Elizabeth Costello, a novel by John M. Coetzee, ostentatiously alludes to the famous parable by Franz Kafka, Before the Law. Deconstructing ...
    • Rok Miłosza w czasopismach literackich 

      Kałowska, Agnieszka (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2012)
      The article is a review of important articles concerning the works of Czesław Milosz which were published in 2011, the Year of Czeslaw Milosz. The author investigates which aspects of the poet’s works are still interesting ...
    • Spowiedź dziecięcia wieku 

      Brzezińska, Martyna (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2012)
      The essay “Confession of a Child of the Century” attempts to diagnose the act of reading in time of the new media. The author does not try to figure out the answer but investigates the influence of technology on the ...