Dystrybucja afiksów w opracowaniach konfrontatywnych
Word-fonnation has often been neglected in foreign language teaching
although its usefulness in learning and building up vocabulary is indisputable. Contrastive studies, dependent on the needs of teaching methods,should
also consider word-formatlon as a possible subject and introduce in into
practice of language beaching. Some of the studies dealing with this subject
should be devoted to particular affixes which exist in several languages, es
pecially in those which are similar in sound and function. Such affixes are
present not only within the same family of languages but also in other lan
guages as a consequence of international exchange of lexical items. Contrast
ive studies of particular affixes should also deal with their distribution
which affects their use in inlvidual languages. The present paper aims at
describing an affix distribution. An example of such an affix is a noun suffix -ist(a) used in German, Russian and Polish.