Zastosowanie metody kroków w rozmowie do badania interakcji medialnej na poziomie lokalnym
Application of step-method in conversation
for research of media interaction on local level
The goal of this article is to adjust research tool, such as step-method in conversation (originally
created for colloquial conversation analysis) to explore public discourse. Political debate
in the media has been choosen as a research material. Local level of dialog means investigating
structure created by consecutive interlocutors. This is an effect of their cooperation,
therefore regard and reference to utterance, common topic exploration. Medial interaction
analysis showed differences between colloquial conversation and public debate in their
organization and goal. Types of journalist’s steps named initial, steering and reacting constitute
a structural skeleton for each of the segments. Leader’s organizational activities play
an important part. He directs interlocutors’ activity to be in line with species requirements
as well as with medial discourse. Controversial, beeing an expression of negative opinions,
clear valuate and persuasive function content is picked up and exposed.