Dylematy reformy systemu finansowania ochrony zdrowia
Discussion on the reform of the economic-financial system in
the health protection sector calls for evaluation of the present
infrastructure in this sphere and its particular elements. Hence,
there are presented in this article basic indices characterizing
health protection in Poland and concerning its material base,
cadres and financial outlay son it. Theoretical methods, forms
and systems of financing that can be applied in the non-material
sphere are discussed against this background.
The above analysis is followed by evaluation of the proposed
solutions taking into account, first of all, forms of financing,
barriers connected with a possibility of introducing an objective
system of financing mainly in the field of fixing costs and counting
basic rates of charges for services. Some attention has been
focussed, moreover, on the system of motivations . In the final
part of the article, there is postulated a necessity of providing
a precise answer to the following questions:
- how to determine the base for prices of services in health
- how to obtain information on costs?
- what measures should be made a reference point for costs?
Without solving these problems, the reform being introduced now
may become a costly experiment, which al lows only to change and
not improve the economic-financial system in the health protection