Praktyka pisania fan fiction. Tutorial fanfikowca
Mass literature and its more modern branch — popular literature, tends to be described
as „trivial”, „third-rate” and worse. Nowadays, there is a consensus among scholars that
the name „popular” is the most neutral and non-evaluative, so in this sense the literary
production can be addressed and one can give it the status of an academic discipline.
Common plots, themes, topoi and solutions which a researcher in the field of his interests
explores, are not perceived as worse, imitative, predictable or banal… Today, in
the age of information and pleasure the culture drifts and it is not dependent on the
economics of production but rather on more information and free imagination. The individual
becomes free from the tragic conflict of values. Community experience, which
it ensures, is a model of experience of being with others and what is perhaps even more
valuable, being-in-the-world of unquestioned significance. Community contemplates
the passage, does not seek to create „great narratives”, leaving a space for other parts/
fragments. It accounts for rooted local values, it is a place of their articulation. Fandom,
in this perspective, becomes a post-modern form of diaspora.