К вопросу поэтической инконтрологии. лирический диалог И. Бродского и В. Кривулина с З. Чербертом и А. Бискупским
The great interest of philologists may be evoked by the theme of the spiritualmoral
(transcendental) function of word and speach, language. It determines the
philosophical-psychological and religious-cultural dimension of the poetry, for
example - Brodsky's, Krivulin's, Herbert's and Biskupski's poems. The creative-cathartic
role of word both magical dimensions and in the sphere of Christian spirituality
makes the anthropological content of the poetry deeper especially within the
content of references to Bakhtin's theses of "another word” and "polyphonism" of
their genre form.
The peripheral, "dark" sides of man's psyche in such a reserch perspective obtain
a symmetric "positive" system of references which establishes "a universal
text": the Bible and symbols and "eternal" images received by a European in the
cultural heritage - indenendently of his will.
This poetic dialogue is fully justified when he offers an idea of co-creation of
the modern intellektual culture.