International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal Vol. 19/1 (2017)
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Future Perspectives of the Implementation of EU Urban Agenda
(Lodz University Press, 2017-09-23)This article is an overview of opinions and recommendations adopted in the European Union vis-à-vis urban policy. The author analyses the Pact of Amsterdam and future perspectives of the implementation of EU Urban Agenda. -
Reviews and Announcements
(Lodz University PressBloomsbury AcademicRoutledge, 2017-09-23) -
The Challenges and Opportunities of Entering the Social Media Sphere: A Case Study of Polish Cities
(Lodz University Press, 2017-09-23)The social media sphere is growing in Poland as more and more people embrace the new ways of communication. Cities in Poland are also slowly catching up with the social media revolution as all 16 provincial cities are ... -
Cultural Ecosystem of Creative Place: Creative Class, Creative Networks and Participation in Culture
(Lodz University Press, 2017-09-23)The scope of this paper is to conceptualise a data-based research framework for the role of creative networks in cultural exchange. Participation in culture measured as audience per 1000 residents and expenditures on ... -
Role of Universities in City Renovation and in Shaping Its International Brand: A Case Study of the Polish City of Lodz
(Lodz University Press, 2017-09-23)This paper aims at highlighting the role of higher education institutions in Lodz in the regeneration of urban space and in building the international brand of a university town. Higher education institutions in Lodz are ... -
Place Branding and Citizen Involvement: Participatory Approach to Building and Managing City Brands
(Lodz University Press, 2017-09-23)This article examines the role of citizens in the process of building and managing city brands. A multidisciplinary approach is applied to explain the multifaceted nature of territorial brands and citizen involvement. To ... -
Within the City: Ongoing Experiences in Local Urban Development Plans
(Lodz University Press, 2017-09-23)The article presents a series of urban regeneration programmes carried out in the Lazio Region from 2011 to 2016, and financed by the resources of the cohesion policy 2007–2013. It covers: programme background, experience ... -
The Sustainable Territorial Innovation of “Inner Peripheries.” The Lazio Region (Italy) Case
(Lodz University Press, 2017-09-23)This methodological, policy-focused paper firstly defines the concept of “sustainable territorial innovation” and its operationalisation according to the strategic objectives of Europe 2020. Statistical processing was based ... -
Dynamics in the Creative Sector between Rome and the Sea
(Lodz University Press, 2017-09-23)Over the last fifty years the tendency towards a dispersion of productive activities that emerged with globalisation and the advent of telematics have fuelled processes that are changing the structure of metropolitan areas ... -
Policy-Making in Metropolitan Areas: The Aniene River as a Green Infrastructure between Roma and Tivoli
(Lodz University Press, 2017-09-23)The European policies acknowledge greenways and “Green Infrastructure” as strategically planned and delivered networks comprising the broadest range of green spaces and other environmental features. The Aniene River, linking ... -
Culture-Led Regeneration in Rome: From the Factory City to the Knowledge City
(Lodz University Press, 2017-09-23)In the early 1990s, the notion of culture-led regeneration entered the urban agenda of several European cities confronted with drastic economic changes due to losses in their industrial base. This paper critically addresses ... -
(Lodz University Press, 2017-09-23)