O funkcji lokatywnej przedrostka z(e)~//s- w języku polskim
The paper discusses one o£ case functions of the prefix z(e)-//s- namely
the locative function. The verbs with the prefix z(e)-//s~ selected for this
study have been divided into the followihg semantic groupss
1) movement from a higher point to a point below (vertical movement);
2) movement to the given point, often from many directions (horizontal
3) movement frora the given point, change of direction, wander (horizontal
movement) .
Each semantic group has £wo sub-groups: A and B. Sub-group A contains
all verbs which, given the prefix z(e)-//s~, have only locative functions
sub-group В has those verbs which have other meanings. The main difference
between A and В is that verbs of the latter sub-group have locative funct
ion only when they appear with an adverbial of place or direction, whereas
A verbs do not have to be accompanied by such adverbiale.