Ekonomia Międzynarodowa Zeszyt nr 014 (2016)
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Gender Pay Gap in Poland
Jarosław Oczki
Impact of Innovative Financial Products on Financial Systems:
Exchange Traded Products and the Polish Financial System
Adam Marszk
Institutional Complementarity of Poland in Terms of Diversity
of Capitalism
Maciej Wysocki
Metody pomiaru e-administracji w kontekście konkurencyjności
Natalia Mańkowska
Wpływ środków pomocowych z Unii Europejskiej na kondycję
gospodarczą Polski w latach 2007–2013
Monika Śliwka
Recent Submissions
Metody pomiaru e-administracji w kontekście konkurencyjności międzynarodowej
(Uniwersytet Łódzki, 2016-06)The subject under discussion is the problem of publications on the relationship between the e-government implementation process and the ability to compete. Today, it is estimated that the key objective of the informatisation ... -
Institutional Complementarity of Poland in Terms of Diversity of Capitalism
(University of Lodz, 2016-06)Poland is one of the most significant examples of a transition country in Central and Eastern Europe. After 45 years of being a centrally planned economy Poland emerged at the end of the 1980’s a free-market economy. In ... -
Impact of Innovative Financial Products on Financial Systems: Exchange Traded Products and the Polish Financial System
(University of Lodz, 2016-06)Exchange Traded Products (ETPs) are one of the most recent and most rapidly developing financial products. As their assets grow they have an increasing impact on financial systems in many countries, including the USA, ... -
Gender Pay Gap in Poland
(University of Lodz, 2016-06)The aim of the article is to investigate the actual and explained gender pay gaps in Poland in comparison with selected highly developed countries, and to discuss the factors determining wage disparities between men and ... -
Wpływ środków pomocowych z Unii Europejskiej na kondycję gospodarczą Polski w latach 2007–2013
(Uniwersytet Łódzki, 2016-06)Napływ środków pomocowych z Unii Europejskiej do Polski w postaci funduszy unijnych był, jest i najprawdopodobniej będzie jednym z najważniejszych efektów towarzyszących przystąpieniu naszego kraju do UE. Środki pomocowe ...