Research in Language (2014) vol.12 nr 1
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Discourse Markers and Modal Expressions in Speakers with and without Asperger Syndrome: A Pragmatic-Perceptive Approach
Francisco J. Rodríguez Muñoz
The Lisbon Treaty and the British Press a Corpus-Based Contrastive Analysis of Evaluation Resources
Chiara Nasti, Marco Venuti
Cognitive Metaphors of the Mind in the Canterbury Tales
Agnieszka Wawrzyniak
On Transmitting Expressiveness in Belarusian-English Poetic Translation
Yuliya Sakalova
Exploring the Local Grammar of Evaluation: The Case of Adjectival Patterns in American and Italian Judicial Discourse
Gianluca Pontrandolfo, Stanisław Goźdź-Roszkowski
Conflicting Tendencies in the Development of Scientific and Technical Language Varieties: Metaphorization vs. Standardization
Larisa Iļjinska, Tatjana Smirnova
Recent Submissions
Exploring the Local Grammar of Evaluation: The Case of Adjectival Patterns in American and Italian Judicial Discourse
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2014-06-17)Based on a 2-million word bilingual comparable corpus of American and Italian judgments, this paper tests the applicability of a local grammar to study evaluative phraseology in judicial discourse in English and Italian. ... -
Discourse Markers and Modal Expressions in Speakers with and without Asperger Syndrome: A Pragmatic-Perceptive Approach
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2014-06-17)From a theoretical point of view, this paper offers a new framework for the analysis of discourse markers: a pragmatic-perceptive model that emphasizes the point of the communication process in which such particles become ... -
On Transmitting Expressiveness in Belarusian-English Poetic Translation
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2014-06-17)The present article deals with various lexical, grammatical, stylistic problems encountered by translators while transmitting aspects of expressiveness of the original text (on the example of Belarusian-English poetic ... -
Cognitive Metaphors of the Mind in the Canterbury Tales
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2014-06-17)The paper presents an analysis of a number of cognitive metaphors pertaining to the concept of mind (e.g. sanity and insanity), heart, and fire. The study has been based on the text of Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer. ... -
The Lisbon Treaty and the British Press a Corpus-Based Contrastive Analysis of Evaluation Resources
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2014-06-17) -
Conflicting Tendencies in the Development of Scientific and Technical Language Varieties: Metaphorization vs. Standardization
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2014-06-17)The present paper discusses relations between meaning and context as an interactive process that promotes cognition and communication, both intralingual and interlingual. The article also studies two evident conflicting ...