Stosunek do pracy oraz życzenia funkcjonariuszy MO w zakresie wyboru, wykształcenia i zawodu dla syna
The desire to secure jobs characterized with creative
character of work and celling for a higher level of educational
reflects a high level of needs and aspirations and represents
a permanent feature in the system of values shaped by socio-economic conditions of our society. In this article the author
discusses researches carried out among militiamen, which revealed
that parents wish to secure for their children an educational
background one level higher than the one possessed by
them. A decisive majority of town militiamen value highly those
professions which call for academic background while giving simultaneously
their distinct preference to technical courses preparing
engineers. Research findings also show that quite a big
share of respondents would like the son to continue the profession
of the father which testifies to a positive relation to
the performed work. In this area there could be discovered clear
differences in assessment of own work as provided by militiamen
in comparison with results of other researches carried out in
other professional environments.