"Text Matters: A Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture", based at the University of Łódź, is an international and interdisciplinary journal, which seeks to engage in contemporary debates in the humanities by inviting contributions from literary and cultural studies intersecting with literary theory, gender studies, history, philosophy, and religion. The journal focuses on textual realities, but contributions related to art, music, film and media studies addressing the text are also invited. Submissions in English should relate to the key issues delineated in calls for articles which will be placed on the website in advance.

Nazwa: Text Matters: A Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture
ISSN: 2083-2931
e-ISSN: 2084-574X
Wydawca: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Format: Open Access (licencja CC BY-NC-ND)
Ukazuje się od: 2011 r.

Strona internetowa czasopisma / Journal website

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