Zastosowanie komputera do obliczania optymalnego wsadu metalowego w zakładzie odlewniczym
The article contains a presentation of the method of optimal estimation of the metallic charge in a foundry applying the computer technique.
It starts with a short description of the technological process in a
foundry, which provides an insight into the important problem being a
subject of this study. The author points at two methods of the metallic charge estimation:
- method of linear programming,
- simulation method.
Both methods can be relatively easily computerized. Thanks to that
the process of the charge estimation becomes shortened while the results
obtained ensure good quality of cast iron possessing the best economical
and qualitative characteristics.
The linear programming method possesses many advantages and disadvantages
briefly analyzed in the article. For this reason we are presenting
a method which allows for elimination of drawbacks attributed to the
linear programming method.
The method, we mean here, is the simulation method. Joint application
of the linear programming and simulation methods allows to achieve a
solution guaranteeing production of cast iron characterized with a relatively
best quality and lowest production costs. Application of the simulation
method assumes submitting many acceptable variants obtained on the
way of the linear programming method to the simulation procedure and selection
of the best variant. That, however, does not afford any bigger
difficulties as the application of an electronic digital machine for calculation
makes it possible to perform this task within a short time.
The presented methods of metallic charge estimation can be applied not
only in every foundry but also in steel works etc.