Miary koncentracji nakładów inwestycyjnych w układzie makroekonomicznym
The article discusses the importance of investment outlays and their
implementation in concentrated form in the socio-economic development of
the country. There are also presented the author’s own propositions as
regards the definition of the investment concentration.
Next there are discussed measures suggested by selected, economists
which should be applied in researches on the phenomenon of the investment
outlays concentration. The author has critically assessed the proposed
measures providing arguments to prove that it is impossible to utilize
thén in conducted researches on the investment outlays concentration at the level of eectors, industrial branches in the national economy as well аз spatial systems in the country’s administrative division. Simultaneously
the author has presented his own propositions concerning
measures of outlays concentration which should be applied In economic
studies of this phenomenon on the macroeconomic scale. He suggests that the following magiltudes should be employed when determining measures and indexes of the investment outlays concentration:
- value of the generated national income,
- value of the commodity production estimated in production prices,
- gross value of fixed assets,
- employment level,
- number of inhabitants,
- percentage share of the analyzed unit in particular magnitudes of
the organizational unit of higher level,
- mutual ratio between size of outlays designated for particular material
investment tasks,
- growth rate and dynamics of investment outlays.
On tho basis of the above accepted magnitudes there are proposed:
- six measures and indexes for researches on the investment outlays
concentration on the macroeconimic scale at the level of sectors, and industrial
- four measures and indexes for researches conducted in spatial, and
sectorial-spatial system;
- two indexes for researches conducted in time cross-section;
three indexes for researches on concentration of outlays in the
material scope.