Wstępne wyniki badań grodziska w Zgłowiączce, gm. Lubraniec, woj. włocławskie, w 1988 r.
The studies were conducted by the Archaeological Department of University of
Łódź charged with the task by the Provincial Conservator of Monuments in Włocławek.
It was the second season of investigations. In 1988, excavations of 15 x
x 2,5 m were located in the eastern part of the castle on the W-E axis, from the
coping of the dike directed to the maidan. According to the stratography observed
there two settlement s levels related to the second stage of fortifications of
the castle and one settlement's level related to the first stage of castle's fortification were discovered. An unfortified settlement was registered under
the heaped levers of the dike and cultural stratifications of the castle. According
to the earthenware material the discovered settlement s levels dated back
to the second half of the lZ^ century and to the 13*^ century.
In historical sources no reference to the castle was found. Documents are
related to the Zgłowiączka village itself and salt-works working in the village.
The first reference comes from 1155, from the bulla of the Pope Hadrian IV and
it contains the list of possessions of the monastery of canons regular in Czerwińsk
where the salt-works in Zgłowiączka is mentioned among others.
The castle must have played an important economic role the castellany of
Włocławek and Brzesk. Since it was situated on the Zgłowiączka river at the ford
where there was a road leading to Radziejów and Kruszwica, in the village with
market and salt-works.