Edukacja a współczesny rynek pracy
A modern economy based on knowledge and information technologies requires new skills to be formed for all types of occupations. The system of education is a solution that helps respond to the challenge. A true educational revolution took place in Poland after 1989. Modifications involved the levels of education, types of schools, but also the structure of education. We can say that the secondary education (with an A-level certificate) is at last common in Poland and higher education shows dynamic expansion. This is the area where the distance between our country and the most developed countries in the world has been successfully shortened. In addition, Poland actively joined the process of implementing EU educational directives. Actions aimed at expanding the lifelong learning opportunities were initiated, but this field still needs attention, because of the lack of common awareness that constant self-improvement and self-development are necessary. The following are the key educational challenges in Poland for the coming years: better quality of education, spread of higher education and adjustment of the structure of education to the demand for labour.