Przemiany kulturowe w XIII wieku na Pomorzu Wschodnim i zagadnienie kolonizacji na prawie niemieckim
The social-economic changes undergoing in the XIIIth century Europe had
an influence upon the development of old and the creation of new municipal
centres. This phenomenon brought about the new way of town foundation (according
to Magdeburg and Lübeck law) and also about the new colonization related
with it.
The hitherto existing literature of the subject has treated casually the
problem of cultural changes which were followed by colonization processes.
However, the colonization process is of great methodological value especially
for the studies on cultural changes and on the ethnic interpretation of
archeological sources. On the basis of three variants of the course of this
process i.e.:
a) the settlement of foreign immigatorv population in the new place,
b) rehousing of the local population according te the German law,
c) the settlement of foreign immigrants in existing rural and town communities,
three different models of cultural changes can be observed.
Such organized and arranged model investigations are led by a group of
workers of University of Łódź in the chosen region of East Pomerania. The
region chosen for this gave the opportunity to observe the traditional structuras of the settlement and also provided with materials undoubtedly related
to immigratory groups of population. The area of castellany of Raciąż in the
Duchy of Świecko was chosen for the research. Investigations concentrated
upon the XIIIth century castle (made of earth and wood) of Raciąż castellany
and upon municipal settlement in Tuchola.
These studies proved that Raciąż, the castellanian abode, both in respect
to fortification and interior buildings and in respect to the archeological
material found in layers presents typical features for the Western
Slavs. It is also reflected in the written sources. Whereas, Tuchola is characterized
by the typical arrangement of the town settled according to the
German law (what is confirmed by documents) and also by the totally different
representation of the material culture what indicates on the immigration
of the new foreign population. It seems that in the discursed case the first
model of the course of the colonization process i.e. the settlement of foreign
population in oreder to cultivate the land and also to introduce new
production techniques is observed.