Zapotrzebowanie na żywność oraz bilans żywnościowy w strefie żywicielskiej woj. miejskiego łódzkiego
The article begins with a short description of nourishment norms and trends
in real food consumption in Poland followed by definition of demand for food in
the food zone of Łódź administrative province baing besed on nourishment norm D
and average national consumption level. The performed food balance being a
comparison between raw agricultural production and demand for food revealed
that in the late seventies this zone was able to ensure the consumption of staple
foodstuffs for the entire population inhabiting this area both at the level of nourishment
norm D and at the average national level: to meet also oth er needs such
as export, reproduction etc. Moreover, it accumulated surpluses of grain, meat,
potatoes, and sugar beets. On the other hand, production of eggs and milk was
insufficient within this zone.