Отражение экономического цикла в мировом капиталистическом хозяйстве на некоторые аспекты валютно-кредитного положения социалистических стран
A characteristic of the seventies end the eighties is a process of synchronizing economic cycles in developed capitalist countries and a tendency to formulate a common world economic cycle. And although socialist states have planned economies, with possibilities they afford for prevention of crises, they do not
remain indifferent to impact exerted by the capitalist cycle of economic development. One of channels through which disequilibrium in capitalist economies is transferred to socialist economies are East-West credit relations, end the transfer mау be an outcome of en economic policy pursued deliberately. In order to avoid it, there must be found a theoretical and practical solution to the problem of keeping indebtedness at a safe level and its optimization from the view point of socialist countries interests. Next, the author discusses certain proposals.