Przemiany struktury agrarnej w centralnch gminach ВОР w latach 1970- 1982
Transformations in the agrerian structure in the central administrative corrmunes of the Bełchatów Industrial Region have been analyzed on the basis of farms mobility (creation of new farms and liquidation of certain already existing farms) and changes in theiг area.
A characteristic feature of these transformations is gradual shrinking of the area occupied by peasand farms in favour of the socialized sector, with land transfer taking place mainly through the State Land Fund. The farms mobility observet in the Bełchatów Industrial Region in the years 1970-1982 resulted in changes in the number of private agricultural farms. These changes were most pronounced in villages located in close vicinity of
the Fuel-Power Combine, whith smaller changes were recorded on
the out skirts of the area under study. Simultaneously, there was
taking place a distinct polarization of farms in their extremal area size groups. There was growing very dynamically the number of small farms (up to 2 ha) treated rather as gardening plots and the number of farms above 7 ha in area. This process was reflecting professional polaryzation of their owners into workers and farmers.