Wybrane aspekty gospodarki finansowej Narodowego Funduszu Ochrony Zdrowia (NFOZ)
The article contains evaluation of the financial administration
of the National Health Protection Fund (NHPF). It is a target fund
established In 1973, whose main goal is the financing of Investment
projects in the sphere of health and socio-welfare care.
The author has distinguished three main stages in 16-year period
of its functioning using as his criterion participation of
financial resources provided by the population in overall revenues
of the Fund and an index of the population's expenditure on the
NHPF in nominal personal monetary incomes of the population. The
article describes also sources of financing the Fund it analyzes
main directions of Its allocations. The analysis has encompassed
both financial resources collected and expended within the framework
of local and central funds.
The article ends with evaluation of the financial administration
of the National Health Protection Fund in the light of its
goals and statutory assumptions.