Planowe i dynamiczne kształtowanie międzyzakładowych powiązań kooperacyjnych jako warunek wysokiej zdolności reagowania na dynamikę zapotrzebowań
The output of an industrial enterprise mi*3t correspond with
regard to its assortment and quality to requirements of buyers. In
the areas characterized with rapidly changing demand, the planning
and organization of production process take place at the time when
demand is not yet fully known. In this situation, organization must
ensure capability of production process to respond promptly to
changes in demand. Among the most important factors determining
this response capability is the system of procurement allowing to
adapt industrial supplies to the existing level of their consumption
in production process. For this to be possible, the following conditions
must be fulfilled:
- the available inventories and possibilities of obtaining new
ones should not be smaller than total needs resulting from consumption
and replenishing of inventories;
- the utility characteristics (assortment and quality) of possessed
and obtainable inventories should not be smaller than those
demanded by the present production; and
- the time during which the procurement process responds to
new demand for materials should not exceed the admissible time of
awaiting material supplies by production.