Ohrozené skupiny obyvatel’stva na trhu práce. Vplyv ekonomického vyvoja na sociálnu situáciu obyvatel’stva
The article deals with the analysis of the selected groups of the population which are in
the difficult position on the labour market. Theese are different secondary schools and
universities graduates, youngs, women, eldery employes closely before and after retire age
achievement. The report comes out from the influence of the economical development on the
social position of the population that can be considered to be positively developing (relating
to 1991) after o f the break point in the 1994. From the above mentioned groups in the most
difficult position can be considered unemployed youngs under 25, which cover almost 1/3 out
of the total unemployed population. The contribution presents the main causes as well as
possibilities of the unemployment solution of theese specific groups.