Wpływ transportu drogowego na rozwój klastrów w świetle procesów globalizacyjnych
Permanent changes around us, resulting from globalization processes, are conductive to rapid
development of various branches of economy including the branch of transportation. This
development demands creating new principles of competitiveness from enterprises and what is
more requires contemporary rules of performing on the market. The new dimension of competi-
tiveness means the competitiveness based on a cooperation which functions on the market as
a cluster. Cluster structures profitably influence economy development of the whole region or even
of the country but those structures also lead to the increase of effectiveness of the whole organiza-
tion. Therefore, contemporary transportation enterprises which functions under the consolidated
EU market conditions must seek for such a form of cooperation which allows to compete inside
the cluster, and also make a use of its rational advantages. This cooperation mainly is conductive
to an increase of competitiveness inside the transportation system and its effectiveness as well.