Baza surowcowa jako czynnik rozwoju przemysłu owocowo-warzywnego w województwie skierniewickim
Comparison of the potential of fruit-and-vegetable processing
industry with crops and commodity production of horticultural
crops in Skieniewice providence reveals a substantial surplus of
technical processing capacities over the local output of fruit
and vegetables. Insufficient utilization of production capacities
and a considerable share of supplies of raw materials, and
especially fruit, from other administrative provinces testify to
the need for active and direct cooperation of plants with agricultural
farms lying within a radius of 10 km from the processing
plant in order to ensure a marked growth of raw material production
in the vicinity of the plant.
A big number of plants scattered in the area of the province,
long-lasting tradition in cultivation of many horticultural
plants, and quite favourable natural conditions offered by the
habitat over a large part, of the province provide a good foundation
for further expansion of the horticultural production. Prom
among different forms of Influence exerted by processing plants
on their agricultural suppliers of the greatest importance seems
to be direct cooperation with farms in production of raw
materials by means of technical, financial, and training aid, and
educational activity aimed at improving professional qualifications
of producers. Consolidation of functional and spatial ties
between the fruit-and-vegetable processing industry and its suppliers
should ensure not only a better supply with raw materials
but also higher intensity and modernization of the entire agricultural
production in the province.