Rozrachunek wewnątrzzakładowy a rachunek kosztów w ZSRR
Process of changes in the Soviet Union's economic mechanism being a result
of intensified development of the Soviet economy, and changes in the industry
management structure made it necessary to reconsider the essence and contents
of the responsibility accounting. Effectiveness of the management system
inside industrial enterprises (associations of producers), and thus
effectiveness of the responsibility accounting largely determine rational
utilization of material and human resources and implementation of the national
economic plan. Functioning of a comprehensive and system* responsibility
accounting in enterprises is dependent upon the quality of internal planning,
standardization, and cost accounting. The main requirement posed before
cost accounting is to ensure strict division of responsibility for the level
of production costs. Thus, its main task is to determine the effectiveness
of performance of internal subjects, i.e. to provide information indispensable
for determining indices of own costs, normative net production, and profit.