Herb gminy (wiejskiej) Zduńska Wola
Zduńska Wola (rural) commune coat of arms was adopted in 2001. It was de-signed by Andrzej Dabrowski, a designer connected with the Polish Heraldry Cen-tre. The emblem includes reference to the controversial mid-19th century version of Zduńska Wola city crest or the region’s bee-keeping tradition (three bees), and to the Siemiątkowski family (coat of arms Jastrzębiec) living in Zduńska Wola re-gion in the 19th and first half of the 20th century (a horseshoe and a cross).
In 2001 the project of the sign, with due explanation, was submitted, as is re-quired by law, to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration for opinion. The initial opinion prepared by experts from the Heraldry Committee was nega-tive, but it did not lead to the issuing of a decision in this matter by the minister in charge of administration.
The objections to the coat of arms of Zduńska Wola (rural) commune, expressed by the experts of the Heraldry Committee, and the lack of a positive ministerial opinion, which is necessary for adoption of the emblem, indicate that in the future there may be a change of the emblem. Perhaps a good starting point for a new coat of arms should be St. Catherine, the patron saint of the church in Korczew, which also was a parish church for Zduńska Wola and other localities in its neighbourhood.