Stacjonarna opieka medyczna, systemy case-mix– organizacja, finansowanie i zarządzanie
The aim of the article is to analyse the organization and financing of the health care system.
The author made an attempt to judge the solutions implemented in Poland within the framework of
Homogeneous Patients Groups (Jednorodne Grupy Pacjentów – JGP), as one of the methods of
patient’s case-mix and the management in the health care system. The article indicates main socio-
economic problems, which are caused by introduction JGP system.
In the article there was made a comparative analysis related to:
– Demographic aspects with regard for the life expectancy,
– Expenditure on health care services in the OECD countries related to GDP,
– Health care systems in chosen countries which implemented DRG system.
The main subject of analysis became financing methods of services related to inpatient health
care system.