Julia Hartwig słucha dzieł luterańskich kompozytorów. O wierszach: Kantata Schütza i Kantata Bacha
The poems by Julia Hartwig, Schütz’s Cantata from the volume Obcowanie (1987) and
Bach’s Cantata from Czułość (1992), constitute a poetic record of the reception of ancient
musical works (which are gaining more and more popularity in modern times). The
poet is interested in cantatas by Schütz i Bach — religious works of art of two baroque
composers from 17th and 18th century, whose artistic activity was strictly connected with
Lutheran spirituality and liturgy. For the poet these cantatas are not only the source of
aesthetic experience. Its reception (most probably from the radio, recordings or concerts)
becomes a great inspiration for existential and religious reflections. It also makes the poet
recognise their uniqueness: as being examples of theocentric art and deep religiousness
of their composers, these cantatas reveal the ability to harmonise the human psyche, and
consequently they seem to be a perfect art form.