Zróżnicowanie przestrzenne absorpcji funduszy Unii Europejskiej w rolnictwie polskim jako problem badawczy i aplikacyjny
This article deals with selected problems in an analysis of spatial differences in the use of EU funds in Polish agriculture. Individual assistance measures were taken as examples (Fig. 1. Proportion of accepted applications for sugar payments in the total number of AR & MA-registered agricultural producers; Fig. 2. Decisions granting payments under SOP_Agri for the diversification of agricultural activity as per cent of the total number of farms) to show how their spatial pattern changed over time (Fig. 3. Types of change in the level of absorption of EU means for the diversification of economic activity in agriculture over the years 2002–2004 – SAPARD, 2004–2006 – SOP_Agri, and 2007–2010 – RDP). Examples are also given of research approaches based on the division of EU assistance measures into selected groups (Fig. 4. Proportion of applications for improvement of the competitiveness of agriculture in the total number of applications for EU assistance measures; Fig. 5. Index of the absorption of CAP funds intended to improve the technical equipment of farms; Fig. 6. Proportion of active forms of payment – SOP_Agri and RDP projects, without LFA – in the total amount of Common Agricultural Policy funds obtained). The article also presents a synthetic approach to the EU funds in agriculture: their structure (Fig. 7. Types of activity of agricultural holdings in obtaining EU funds by the proportion of farms applying for funds within in the given group of internal features of agriculture in the total number of applications granted) and general level (Fig. 8. Index of the activity of farms in obtaining CAP funds – applications under operational programmes in % of the total number of farms; Fig. 9. Funds of EU agricultural support programmes per hectare of agricultural land). It is demonstrated that the financial support of farms in Poland is an especially important research and application problem in today's agricultural-geography studies because of the very large sums granted (93 billion zlotys over the years 2002–2010) and wide spatial differences in their allocation. Artykuł dotyczy wybranych problemów analizy zróżnicowania przestrzennego funduszy UE w rolnictwie polskim. Zagadnienie to scharakteryzowano na przykładach pojedynczych działań pomocowych (rys. 1, 2), uwzględniając problem zmiany w czasie ich układów przestrzennych (rys. 3). Zaprezentowano także przykłady ujęć badawczych opartych o podział działań pomocowych UE na wybrane grupy (rys. 4, 5, 6). W artykule przedstawiono także ujęcie syntetyczne funduszy UE w rolnictwie – ich strukturę (rys. 7) i ogólny poziom (rys. 8, 9). Wykazano, że wsparcie finansowe gospodarstw rolnych w Polsce, ze względu na bardzo wysokie płatności (93 mld zł w latach 2002–2010) oraz silne zróżnicowanie przestrzenne, jest szczególnie ważnym problemem badawczym i aplikacyjnym we współczesnych badaniach geograficzno-rolniczych.
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