Numer tematyczny: Literatura prze-pisana
Redaktorki numeru: Agnieszka Izdebska, Danuta Szajnert

Spis treści

Recent Submissions

  • Apokryf literacki [hasło] 

    Szajnert, Danuta (Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe, 2014)
  • „Cichosza. Nie ma Mickiewicza i nie ma Miłosza” — alternatywna historia literatury 

    Lemann, Natalia (Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe, 2014)
    The aim of the article is to analyze the alternative history of literature presented in alternative history novels as well as in scholarly and journalistic studies in literary history. First, important proposals for ...
  • Powieść geohistoriograficzna. Międzydyskursywna przestrzeń Koncertu Wielkiej Niedźwiedzicy Jerzego Limona 

    Konończuk, Elżbieta (Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe, 2014)
    This article provides an interpretation of the novel of Jerzy Limon Koncert Wielkiej Niedźwiedzicy. Kantata na jedną ulicę, siedem gwiazd i dwa głosy, which is an example of the literature of the topographical turn. This ...
  • Świadomość formy w powieści Jacka Dukaja Inne pieśni 

    Tokarz, Bożena (Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe, 2014)
    Jacek Dukaj’s prose is placed at the borderlines of literary genres, among science fiction, fantasy, saga, and forms of re-written, re-factional literature. It is governed by two mental mechanisms: the “game of make-believe” ...
  • Reportaże, podręczniki i „kartki z podróży”, czyli przepisywanie gatunków w Faraonie Bolesława Prusa 

    Pietrzak, Przemysław (Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe, 2014)
    The paper examines generic and stylistic relations between the novel Pharaoh by Bolesław Prus and the 19th century writings devoted to the ancient Egypt. Monographs, handbooks, reportages, newspaper articles are considered ...
  • Syberia przepisana 

    Kopeć, Zbigniew (Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe, 2014)
    In the thirties a concept of a Siberian literature and novel, revealing not only an aspirational but a descriptive character as well, emerged on the quarterly published “Sybirak”, a periodical connected with Piłsudski’s ...
  • Powiedziane — zasłyszane — zapisane. Przepisywanie „z życia” w literaturze polskiej lat siedemdziesiątych XX wieku 

    Karpowicz, Agnieszka (Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe, 2014)
    The text is an attempt to answer the question why in the seventies of the twentieth century in Polish literature, many authors referred to the everyday language, sometimes even suggesting that their artistic works are ...
  • „Życie z kropką u nogi”. Poetyckie renarracje Wisławy Szymborskiej 

    Grądziel-Wójcik, Joanna (Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe, 2014)
    The narrative way of seeing the world confronted with the poetic form is characteristic of Wisława Szymborska’s poems. A short story is not only linked with discovering and understanding the reality but also with creating ...
  • Przepisywanie siebie, przepisywanie obcości — przypadek Zyty Oryszyn 

    Czyżak, Agnieszka (Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe, 2014)
    The article is an attempt at sketching the main problem of Zyta Oryszyn’s prose, her novels (written before 1989 Black ilumination and Madam Frankensztajn) and especially stories collected in volume tittled Salvation of ...
  • Autografia i powtórzenie 

    Wołk, Marcin (Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe, 2014)
    The paper discusses dialectical tension between originality and repeatability in modern and post-modern autography (i.e. autobiography, or self-writing, in the broadest, trans-generic and trans-discursive sense of the ...
  • Teatr jako sztuka (systemowego) przepisywania 

    Leyko, Małgorzata ORCID (Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe, 2014)
    The text in the theatre is a specific rationale. There is no encoded interpretation behind it, thus each staging of the same text that translates the initial project into other theatre means of expression must appear to ...
  • Parodie, pastisze i recykling w prozie Stanisława Lema 

    Gajewska, Agnieszka (Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe, 2014)
    The article analyzes ways in which Stanislaw Lem’s short stories collected in Sezam i inne opowiadania [Sesame and Other Stories] (first published in 1954) are a parody and satire on the imperialistic policies of both ...
  • Niejednoznaczny status tekstu parodiowanego w dyskursie satyrycznym 

    Sidoruk, Elżbieta (Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe, 2014)
    The subject of analysis in this article is a relation between parody and satire. With reference to the concept of satire as a discursive practice proposed by Paul Simpson in his work On the Discourse of Satire, the author ...
  • Parodia w służbie nonsensu. Przypadek Stanisława Barańczaka 

    Tarnogórska, Maria (Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe, 2014)
    This article presents the work of Stanisław Barańczak as a spectacular example of using parody in modern nonsense literature. In the case of Barańczak, broadly conceived parody turns out to be an omnipresent device that ...
  • Jak rozpoznać pastisz (i odróżnić go od parodii)? 

    Hellich, Artur (Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe, 2014)
    So far, pastiche has been criticized as a sign of unoriginality and epigonism of postmodern artists, marginalized as a niche, elite phenomenon and cherished as the most perfect form of contemporary art. Differences in ...
  • Po co się pisze pastisze? 

    Michałowski, Piotr (Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe, 2014)
    Author tries to explain what are reasons and goals of writing pastiches. He compares theory with his own practice of this form, because moreover writes pastiches himself. First he compares some definitions from English, ...
  • Od redakcji 

    Izdebska, Agnieszka; Szajnert, Danuta (Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe, 2014)