Space - Society - Economy, No 29, 2019
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Starzenie się ludności w polskich miastach
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2019-09-30)The inhabitants of cities and towns constitute more than 60% of the Polish population. The settlement system of Poland has a developed, multi-stage, hierarchical, urban structure, and the capital city has little advantage ... -
Walory przyrodnicze i zagospodarowanie turystyczne wydm śródlądowych na przykładzie regionu łódzkiego
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2019-09-30)The common perception is that in the central part of Poland the only natural elements useful for tourism and recreation include valleys of large rivers and reservoirs. What is commonly overlooked are forested inland dunes. ... -
Przemiany w zagospodarowaniu terenów popegeerowskich województwa łódzkiego – studium przypadku
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2019-09-30)In Poland, the end of the twentieth century was the time of socio-economic transformations. It brought into new regulations in law connected with agriculture, which was devided into private and state sphere for over 40 ...