Tytus, Romek i A’Tomek z perspektywy komunikatywizmu
Author analyses six selected comic books from popular series „Tytus, Romek Atomek” by Henryk Jerzy Chmielewski, using unique communicativistic theory discovered by G. Habrajska and A. Awdiejew. She’s searching some verbal and non-verbal determinants, which are typical for the publicistic style (persuasion closed in words, persuasion extracted from words, self-contained persuasion). The effect of this research is a fact, that the comics by Chmielewski (primary classified as an artictic style) – has its characteristic persuasive purpose, through using all the elements of the publicistic discourse. According to that, the main purpose of the comics was: to indoctrinate young readers as the responsible participants of the community in Polish People’s Republic.