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dc.contributor.authorBorys, Andrzej
dc.contributor.authorKamiński, Andrzej
dc.contributor.authorSorek, Sławomir
dc.contributor.editorHejduk, Jacek
dc.contributor.editorKowalczyk, Stanisław
dc.contributor.editorPawlak, Ryszard J.
dc.contributor.editorTurowska, Małgorzata
dc.identifier.citationBorys A., Kamiński A., Sorek S., Convolution operators on some spaces of functions and distributions in the theory of circuits, [w:] Modern Real Analysis, J. Hejduk, St. Kowalczyk, R.J. Pawlak, M. Turowska (red.), WUŁ, Łódź 2015, doi: 10.18778/7969-663-5.03.pl_PL
dc.publisherWydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiegopl_PL
dc.relation.ispartofModern Real Analysis;
dc.rightsUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polska*
dc.subjectlinear circuitpl_PL
dc.subjectnonlinear circuitpl_PL
dc.subjectTaylor seriespl_PL
dc.subjectVolterra seriespl_PL
dc.subject(neutrix) product of distributionspl_PL
dc.subject(neutrix) kth power of a distributionpl_PL
dc.titleConvolution operators on some spaces of functions and distributions in the theory of circuitspl_PL
dc.typeBook chapterpl_PL
dc.rights.holder© Copyright by Authors, Łódź 2015; © Copyright for this edition by Uniwersytet Łódzki, Łódź 2015pl_PL
dc.contributor.authorAffiliationGdynia Maritime University, Faculty of Electrical Engineeringpl_PL
dc.contributor.authorAffiliationUniversity of Rzeszów, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciencespl_PL
dc.contributor.authorAffiliationUniversity of Rzeszów, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciencespl_PL
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dc.referencesS. Sorek, On the notion of neutrix in the theory of generalized functions, in preparation.pl_PL
dc.referencesB. Fisher, The neutrix distribution product xr + d(r1)(x), Studia Sci. Math. Hungar. 9 (1974), 439-441.pl_PL

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