Ryzyko powodziowe w miastach nadodrzańskich w kontekście sposobu zagospodarowania obszarów zalewowych
This paper is aimed to determine the flood risk level based on the land use patterns – in towns located on the Odra river in Poland. The flood risk is determined by the area of particular forms of land use within the floodplain boundary. The assessment was made by linear ordering and grouping of all Odra cities by flood risk level (city ranking). The results obtained show the flood risk level of cities relative to each other. The time range adopted for research allows for a comparative analysis of the examined cities in terms of potential flood losses both statistically and dynamically. Particular attention was paid to the identification of relationships between the level of flood risk and the area of floodplains, and the way of its management expressed by the degree of investment and the location of the city in the course of the river. The research shows that the total magnitude of potential flood losses is primarily determined by the size of the areas at risk of flooding and, to a lesser extent by their management (investment). Only in the case of the first flood zone (direct flood hazard zone), the impact of floodplain management on the level of flood risk was observed. However, there isno correlation between the level of flood risk and the location of the city in the river course. The work also focused on the analysis of flood risk changes in Odra cities relative to each other, including those affected by floods in 1997. W pracy podjęto próbę określenia ryzyka powodziowego w oparciu o sposób zagospodarowania obszarów zalewowych w miastach nadodrzańskich w Polsce. Kryterium oceny ryzyka powodziowego jest powierzchnia zajmowana przez konkretne formy zagospodarowania w granicach terenu zalewowego. Oceny dokonano poprzez uporządkowanie liniowe wszystkich miast nadodrzańskich według poziomu ryzyka powodziowego (ranking miast), a następnie ich pogrupowanie. Otrzymane wyniki odzwierciedlają poziom ryzyka powodziowego miast względem siebie.