Globalny kryzys finansowo-gospodarczy i strefy euro a sytuacja fiskalna nowych państw czlonkowskich (UE-10)
The article undertakes the topic of fiscal sustainability in the New EU Member States in the
context of the recent economic crisis. Sharp falls in GDP lead to an increase of the basic indicator
of fiscal sustainability: debt to GDP ratio. Additionally, the economic slowdown worsens fiscal
balance both because of automatic stabilization mechanism and discretionary government actions.
The article presents economic situation in the EU-10 countries directly after the accession.
Then, the transmission mechanisms of the global crisis and the related dangers for the EU-10
countries are exposed. An analysis of the business cycle in EU-10 countries and their fiscal
position implied by the crisis as well as the fiscal policy actions undertaken with the assessment of
their impact for economic growth and fiscal sustainability. Conclusions indicate that the majority
of the analyzed countries maintain a sustainable fiscal position in spite of its significant worsening
during the crisis. However, the situation of Hungary is very difficult and requires urgent corrective
actions and Poland (and to a smaller extent) Slovenia and Slovakia should be cautious in their
fiscal policy stance.