Studia Ceranea Vol. 5/2015
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Editorial Board:
Georgi Minczew (Editor-in-Chief), Mirosław J. Leszka (Co-Editor-in-Chief), Kirił Marinow (Scientific Secretary), Małgorzata
Skowronek (Scientific Secretary), Andrzej Kompa (Subject Editor, Byzantine studies), Agata Kawecka (Subject Editor, Slavic
studies), Ivan N. Petrov (Secretary)
Editorial Council
Hana Gladkova (Charles University in Prague), James Douglas Howard-Johnston (Corpus Christi College, Oxford),
Ewald Kislinger (University of Vienna), Eliza Małek (University of Łódź), Józef Naumowicz (Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński
University in Warsaw), Szymon Olszaniec (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń), Stefano Parenti (Pontifical Atheneum
of St. Anselm, Rome), Günter Prinzing (Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz), Rustam Shukurov (Lomonosov State
University), Yuri Stoyanov (University of London)
Reviewers (vol. 5, 2015):
Francesco Dall’Aglio (Italian Institute for Historical Studies, Naples), Oleg Aleksandrov (St Cyril and St Methodius
University of Veliko Tărnovo), Dariusz Brodka (Jagellonian University, Cracow), Jacek Bonarek (Jan Kochanowski University
of Humanities and Sciences in Kielce / Piotrków Trybunalski), Nadezhda Christova (St Cyril and St Methodius University
of Veliko Tărnovo), Nina Glibetić (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Piotr Gryglewski (University of Łódź), Bożena
Iwaszkiewicz-Wronikowska (John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin), Piotr Kochanek (John Paul II Catholic University
of Lublin), Anna Kotłowska (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań), Hartmut Leppin (Johann Wolfgang Goethe University,
Frankfurt am Main), Magdalena Łaptaś (Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University, Warsaw), Mariola Walczak-Mikołajczakowa
(Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań), Desislava Naydenova (Cyrillo-Methodian Research Centre, Bulgarian Academy
of Sciences), Georgi N. Nikolov (St Clement of Ohrid University of Sofia), Aleksander Paroń (Institute of Archaeology
and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Wrocław), Lăchezar Perchekliyski (South-West University „Neofit Rilski”,
Blagoevgrad), Mihajlo Popović (Institute for Medieval Research, Austrian Academy of Sciences), Małgorzata Smorąg Różycka
(Jagellonian University, Cracow), Juan Pedro Monferrer Sala (University of Córdoba), Jonathan Shepard (University of Oxford),
Tatyana Slavova (St Clement of Ohrid Sofia University), Vlada Stanković (University of Belgrade), Mihai Ţipâu (Institute
of the South-East European Studies, Bucarest), Jesse Torgerson (Wesleyan University, Middletown Conn.), Aleksandar Uzelac
(Institute of History, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade), Norbert Widok (University of Opole)
Linguistic editors:
For English – Yvonne Loske, Isaac Roque, for Russian – Ivan N. Petrov, Roman A. Sacharov
Marcin Cyrulski (University of Łódź), Michał Zytka (Cardiff)
Cover designed by:
Sebastian Buzar
Tomasz Pietras
On the cover:
Medieval Armenian pilgrim crosses on the wall of the outer gallery by the Holy Sign church (Surp Nšan) in Haghpat monastery,
Armenia. Photo: Andrzej Kompa
Table of Contents
1. Marriage and Power (Images of Authority)Ivan Biliarsky
2. Wisdom Has Built Her House (Proverbs 9, 1–6). The History of the Notion in Southern and Eastern Slavic Art in the 14th–16th Centuries)
Zofia Brzozowska
3. The Iconographic Motif of a Griffin and a Hare on the So-called Saracenic-Sicilian Casket from the Wawel Cathedral Treasury in Cracow
Magdalena Garnczarska
4. Prisoners of War in Early Medieval Bulgaria (Preliminary Remarks)
Yanko M. Hristov
5. Словник Исторической Палеи по списку синодального собрания № 591 второй половины ХV века – глоттометрическая характеристика
6. Gnesioi filoi: the Search for George Syncellus’ and Theophanes the Confessor’s Own Words, and the Authorship of Their Oeuvre
Andrzej Kompa
7. The Exiled Bishops of Constantinople from the Fourth to the Late Sixth Century
Rafał Kosiński
8. The Christian Nubia and the Arabs
Małgorzata Martens-Czarnecka
9. Monarchs’ Names and Numbering in the Second Bulgarian State
Ian S.R. Mladjov
10. The Transition from the Temple of Jupiter to the Great Mosque of Damascus in Architecture and Design
Kamil Sobczak
11. O „русизмах” Берлинского сборника
12. The Image of the Town: Medieval Sofia in Original Bulgarian Works from the 16th Century
Mariyana Tsibranska-Kostova
13. Pro Bessarione poeta
Hanna Zalewska-Jura
Book reviews
1. Zofia Brzozowska, Święta księżna kijowska Olga. Wybór tekstów źródłowychAndrzej Hołasek
2. ЛЪЧЕЗАР ПЕРЧЕКЛИЙСКИ, Ахтаровият царственик от 1844 година. Текст и изследване
Agata Kawecka
3. АЛБЕНА ГЕОРГИЕВА, Фолклорни измерения на християнството. Устни разкази и локална религиозност в района на Бачковския манастир „Успение на Пресвета Богородица” и на Хаджидимовския манастир „Св. Великомъченик Георги Победоносец”
Karolina Krzeszewska
4. Ilona Czamańska, Jan Leśny, Bitwa na Kosowym Polu 1389
Mirosław J. Leszka
5. ПРЕДРАГ КОМАТИНА, Црквена политика Византије од крајa иконоборства до смрти цара Ваcилија I
Mirosław J. Leszka
6. Adrian Szopa, Flavius Merobaudes. Wódz i poeta z V wieku
Łukasz Pigoński
7. Szymon Olszaniec, Prefektura pretorio Italii, Illyrikum i Afryki (312–425 n.e.)
Łukasz Pigoński
Recent Submissions
Guidelines for the authors
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2015) -
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2015) -
Book Reviews: ADRIAN SZOPA, Flavius Merobaudes. Wódz i poeta z V wieku [Flavius Merobaudes. General and Poet from the 5th century], Wydawnictwo AVALON, Kraków 2014, pp. 240.
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2015) -
Book Reviews: ПРЕДРАГ КОМАТИНА, Црквена политика Византије од крајa иконоборства до смрти цара Ваcилија I [Church Policy of Byzantium from the End of Iconoclasm to the Death of Emperor Basil I], Византолошки институт Срcпке академије наука и уметности, Посебна издања, књига 43, Беoград 2014, pp. 382.
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2015) -
Book Reviews: Ilona Czamańska, Jan Leśny, Bitwa na Kosowym Polu 1389 [Battle of Kosovo 1389] Wydawnictwo Poznańskie, Poznań 2015, pp. 245.
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2015) -
Book Reviews: ЛЪЧЕЗАР ПЕРЧЕКЛИЙСКИ, Ахтаровият царственик от 1844 година. Текст и изследване [Ahtarovyiat Tsarstvenik. Text and research], Болид-инс, София 2013, pp. 184.
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2015) -
Pro Bessarione poeta
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2015)This article discusses the relatively unknown poetry of Bessarion, the future Cardinal. The author argues with a negative opinion of F. M. Pontani concerning the three epicedia on the death of Theodora Comnena. The author ... -
The Image of the Town: Medieval Sofia in Original Bulgarian Works from the 16th Century
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2015)The paper follows out the way of denomination and description of Sofia town in manuscripts from different genre during the period of the 15th –17th centuries, namely: the original hagiographic and hymnographic works of ... -
O „русизмах” Берлинского сборника
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2015)About “russicisms” of Berlinski Sbornik. The article deals with the problem of the so-called “eastslavonic influence” on southslavonic literature in 12th–13th centuries. The idea, based on claims that some Bulgarian and ... -
Transition from the Temple of Jupiter to the Great Mosque of Damascus in Architecture and Design
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2015)Great Mosque of Damascus was built between 705 and 715 by the Umayyad Caliph al-Walid I. However, the origins of this building dates to the distant past. At first it was a location of an ancient Aramaean temple dedicated ... -
Monarchs’ Names and Numbering in the Second Bulgarian State
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2015)The article explores the onomastic practices of medieval Bulgarians, focusing on the Second Bulgarian State, from the late 12th to the early 15th century. The collected evidence suggests that soon after their conversion ... -
The Christian Nubia and the Arabs
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2015)Nubia constituted the area in the Nile Valley in the present day Sudan, the area which spread from the first cataract up to the place where the White Nile meets the Blue Nile. The area was inhabited by the population ... -
The Exiled Bishops of Constantinople from the Fourth to the Late Sixth Century
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2015)A number of cases of the bishops of Constantinople exiled over a period until as late as the close of the 6th century prove the fact that the rulers would always make an effort to remove the deposed bishops from the City, ... -
Gnesioi filoi: the Search for George Syncellus’ and Theophanes the Confessor’s Own Words, and the Authorship of Their Oeuvre
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2015)In a nutshell: 1. I believe that Ekloge Chronographias of George Syncellus and Chronographia of Theophanes the Confessor should be treated as a single project, undertaken in turn by two authors; 2. There are important ... -
Словник Исторической Палеи по списку синодального собрания № 591 второй половины ХV века – глоттометрическая характеристика
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2015)Towards a glottometric analysis of the vocabulary of the Historical Palaea. The present study is an attempt to apply statistical methods in investigating the vocabulary of Old Bulgarian on the basis of lexical material ... -
Prisoners of War in Early Medieval Bulgaria (Preliminary Remarks)
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2015)The work is concentrated on the problem of war prisoners in the chronological period of the existance of the so-called First Bulgarian state. The analysis is based predominantly on various Byzantine and selected Latin ... -
The Iconographic Motif of a Griffin and a Hare on the So-called Saracenic-Sicilian Casket from the Wawel Cathedral Treasury in Cracow
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2015)The article examines a kind of community of aesthetic tastes that was connecting Arab and Byzantine courtly culture. This community concerned the secular and luxurious works of art. The silver casket, called a ...