Wybrane aspekty poczucia moralnego młodych nauczycieli łódzkich
The paper attempts to characterize attitudes and opinions of the
young Łódź teachers which are related to moral aspects- of the social
and professional tasks they.perform. Attitudes and opinions of the
old generation of teachere form a kind of background for studying
the problem.
From the available data it follows that, despite an established
conviction, young teachers show more critical judgement of their
moral attitudes than the old teachers. Ihey are also more conscious
of the presence of conflict situations and the necessity to face
moral choices in their professional activity. At the same time they
often lack professional responsibility e.g. they are late for
lessons or are not prepared properly. At any rate, they admit it
more frequently than the old teachers do.
The teachers' attitudes are influenced on the one hand by lax
social discipline which permits certain relativism of evaluation of
moral norms, and on the other hand by teachers’ working conditions
which do not encourage the young to meet high moral standardes. The
specific tasks that teachers fulfill make us expect more self-consciousness
concerning the moral aspects and the results of their
work. It seems that the existing shortcomings could be compensated
to some extent by introducing proper programmes for educating teachers