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Scotland shows what European regions want from Asia
(East Asia Forum, 2024-07-31)As the global business epicentre shifts towards East Asia, European regions like Scotland are bolstering their economies by reaching out to Asia for enhanced trade relationships and foreign investment. Harnessing the ... -
Don't Look at Trump. The EU Needs Strategic Autonomy
(Liberté!; Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom, 2022-04)The paper deconstruct the concept of ‘Strategic autonomy’ of the EU as an ability in foreign policy, showing its different elements. The author argue, that the autonomous European Union is particularly beneficial for Central ... -
Współpraca polskich miast z partnerami chińskimi i jej miejsce w polskiej polityce zagranicznej
(Instytut Studiów Politycznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk, 2021)European cities are becoming more important actors on the global political scene, as they have significant foreign policy competencies. This is the result of a far-reaching process of globalization and ... -
Od Seulu do Sydney – polityczny wymiar igrzysk olimpijskich 1988-2000
(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2017)Artykuł jest próbą zarysowania politycznych problemów i sposobów ich rozwiązywania przez Międzynarodowy Komitet Olimpijski (MKOl) w latach 1988–2000, czyli w okresie organizacji czterech letnich igrzysk olimpijskich: w ... -
What You Touch Is (Not) What You See. The Haptic Unconscious and Digital In-corporeality in the Airport Space
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, 2018)The contemporary airport features a wide array of convergent apparatuses that digitize various services, thus modifying the space and creating unique experiences to travelers. Their increasingly haptic interfaces make ... -
Polish and German press reports on cooperation between the foreign ministers of both countries in resolving the conflict in Ukraine (February-June 2014)
(2016)Polish-German relations in the first half of 2014 were dominated by the Ukraine crisis. This study is an attempt to answer the question of how Polish and German press assessed the cooperation of both countries in resolving ... -
The sub-state dimension of the European Union relations with China
(Kluwer Law International, 2019)Regional governments across the world actively participate in international relations. They open trade and cultural missions abroad, join international networks of cooperation, and sign treaties and agreements with their ... -
Aktualność tzw. „doktryny Giedroycia” w kontekście polityki Unii Europejskiej wobec Rosji
(Uniwersytet Warszawski. Instytut Nauk Politycznych i Studiów Międzynarodowych, 2019)Rosyjska interwencja w Donbasie i zabór Krymu spowodowały zasadniczą zmianę polityki Unii Europejskiej wobec jej wschodnich sąsiadów, w tym samej Rosji. Głównym celem niniejszego artykułu jest wykazanie aktualności “Doktryny ... -
The Urbanisation Dialogue between the EU and China. Reality Check
(2019)In the EU-China 2020 Strategic Agenda for Cooperation a whole chapter addressed urbanisation. Both sides resolved to improve the governing framework of the EU-China Partnership, support the development of numerous relevant ... -
Pokój z Iwanem. Rosja jako siła opatrznościowa w propagandzie Państw Centralnych doby Wielkiej Wojny
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2019)The purpose of this article is to trace the ambiguous images of Russia which had been presented after October Revolution in propaganda of Central Powers. Because of the Bolsheviks’ peace slogans this country suddenly became ... -
Contested Knowledges of the Commons in Southeast Asia
(2019)Environmental questions are at the heart of many development dilemmas in Southeast Asia. New actors and technologies, changing domestic politics, policies, and economies - as well as shifting geopolitical contexts, are ... -
What are the factors behind the successful EU-China cooperation on the subnational level? Case study of the Lodzkie region in Poland
(Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2019)Analysing the relations between the EU and China one can notice a growing network of links on all levels, including subnational. Within the framework of the One Belt One Road (OBOR) Initiative Chinese regions are eager ... -
W poszukiwaniu źródeł międzykulturowej atrakcyjności Szwecji. Wymiar kulturowy
(2017-11-01)The aim of the article is to investigate the selected ways by which Sweden shapes its international attractiveness using culture. The research is empirical and is directed at verification of hypotheses stating that culture ... -
Dyplomacja sportowa w procesie łagodzenia konfliktów międzynarodowych
(2017-10-01)The aim of the article is to theoretically analyse the issue of sports diplomacy from the perspective of its utility in easing international tensions. The research encompass clarification of the term sports diplomacy ... -
(Adam Mickiewicz University, 2016-12-30)In 2006 Prime Minister Abe Shinzō displayed a flexible posture towards China by refusing to clearly state whether he would visit the Yasukuni Shrine or not. When he returned to the post of the head of government in 2012, ... -
Międzynarodowy Komitet Olimpijski jako aktor dyplomatyczny
(2017-06-01)The issue of diplomatic activity of the International Olympic Committee is the subject of the research, whereas the main research problem refers to the question whether in the contemporary world the IOC can be regarded ... -
Sports Performance and Shaping International Image of a China: Towards Beijing 2008 Olympic Games
(Adam Marszałek Publishing, 2017-06-01)China is a country that has been using sport in order to reach political goals for many years. Lately such political exploitation of sport is directed at shaping the desirable international image of this country. This ... -
Sport as a Tool of Building Political Alliances: The Case of the Games of New Emerging Forces (GANEFO)
(Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych, 2016-12-31)The article investigates the issue of sports diplomacy pursued in order to build political alliance. The research is a case study concerning an attempt to bring the non-aligned countries closer through Games of New Emerging ... -
The Commonwealth Games as an Example of Bringing States Closer Through Sport
(De Gruyter Open, 2017-04)The aim of the article is to investigate the issue of positive sports diplomacy directed at bringing countries closer and deepening cooperation between them. Generally, sports diplomacy is a broader term and may include ... -
Stosunki amerykańsko-irańskie jako przykład próby zbliżenia wrogich państw z wykorzystaniem sportu
(Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, 2017-03)The aim of the article is to investigate sports diplomacy between Iran and the United States, which is an example of sports diplomacy directed at bringing unfriendly states closer. The two countries do not have diplomatic ...