Uwarunkowania przepływu polskich bezpośrednich inwestycji zagranicznych do krajów Unii Europejskiej. Model grawitacyjny z wykorzystaniem danych panelowych
The purpose of this article is to test the hypothesis stating that the gravity model of the
international trade explains FDI flows from Poland to 27 EU member states.It has been
decided to verify how using augumeted gravity model of international trade is allowed to
identify push and pull FDI factors as well as internationalization motives in FDI mode.
The result verified the main hypothesis positively. Investment decisions concerning
the selection of the target country are determined by the size of the market measured by
GDP per capita what means market seeking motive is presence. It has been empirically
proven that taxation differences and labor costs (efficiency seeking motives) have a significant
influence upon decisions on investment FDI in particular host countries.