Wpływ drobnoustrojów z rodzaju Lactobacillus izolowanych z moczu na patogenność Proteus mirabilis i rozwój infekcyjnej kamicy moczowej
Infectious urolithiasis is one of the urinary tract diseases, caused by urease-positive bacteria e.g. Proteus mirabilis. Due to the ineffective methods of treatment and prevention of this disease, alternative methods are being investigated, including the use of the natural microbiota of urinary tract. The study aimed to assess the influence of microorganisms of the Lactobacillus genus, belonging to the natural microbiota of the urinary tract, on the pathogenicity of P. mirabilis and the formation of infection-related urinary stones. It was demonstrated that substances secreted by Lactobacillus inhibit the growth of P. mirabilis and biofilm formation, the adhesion of P. mirabilis to the urinary tract epithelium, and the cytotoxicity of these uropathogens on bladder cells. Furthermore, Lactobacillus and substances produced by them inhibit the crystallization of urine mineral components induced by P. mirabilis strains. It was indicated that this is related to their antibacterial properties and to the activity of L-lactic acid, which inhibits the activity of urease, the main virulence factor of P. mirabilis. Additionally, it was proven that polysaccharides of Lactobacillus may impact the aggregation of crystals by creating larger aggregates. In conclusion, Lactobacillus strains and substances produced by them can be considered as a potential agent that may support the treatment of UTI and infectious urolithiasis in the future, or be an effective agent for preventing these diseases.