Miasta-ogrody, utopia a rzeczywistość
The garden-city idea was created in Great Britain in the end of the 19lh century, when
in London and in other industrial cities, problems related with housing and employment
have distinctly intensified. They were mainly resulting from the lack of balance between
population growth and urban and institutional development of the cities areas. On the
one hand progressing industrialization was drawing people in masses into the cities,
causing its overcrowding, lack of houses, water, epidemics and increasing expenses of
living. On the other hand, migration from peripheries and rural areas was depriving it of
man-power, capital and sources that could contribute to the local economic growth. As a
consequence of that standard of life of the local communities suffered substantial
The recipe on this situation was suppose to be an Ebenezer Howard s idea of the city
and garden connection — the area of intensive development with the green area that
distinctly stands out from the surrounding space. The idea was creating a new model of
the city and was aiming to increase the quality of urban life and also counteract risk
factors and problems of the industrial cities.
First garden-eities (Welwyn and Letchworth Garden City) were founded in the
beginning of the 20'11 century, and in the short time the idea itself achieved significant
popularity all over the World, including Poland. Here garden-cities were created in the surrounding of the large urban centres, amongst others: around Warsaw (e.g. Podkowa
Leśna), Katowice (e.g. Giszowiec), Częstochowa (e.g. Żarki) and Łódź (Kolumna-Las,
Tuszyn-Las, Grotniki, Sokolniki). However, there were many differences between
English and Polish interpretation of the Howard’s idea. Mostly they were resulting from
different political and social situations in these two countries but also from a different
purpose of its erection.
The aim of the article is to elucidate the origins of the garden-city idea and to present
and compare the development of an idea on the British and Polish ground, based on the
examples of the pioneer Welwyn and Letchworth City Garden and those founded in the
surrounding of the city of Łódź. In the paper the attempt was made to investigate and
define on what scale the idea of garden-cities was accomplished on the research area,
what evolution it went through, and in which degree its effects are distinguished in the
contemporary cultural landscape of analysed estates. Celem artykułu jest wyjaśnienie genezy koncepcji miast-ogrodów oraz przedstawienie i
porównanie jej rozwoju w Wielkiej Brytanii i w Polsce na przykładzie pionierskich osiedli
Letchworth i Welwyn Garden City oraz podłódzkich jednostek powstałych zgodnie z założeniami
analizowanej idei. W artykule dokonano próby zbadania i określenia, na ile idea miast-ogrodów
została zrealizowana na badanym obszarze, jaką przeszła ewolucję i w jakim stopniu jej efekty
odznaczają się w obecnym krajobrazie kulturowym analizowanych osiedli.