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dc.contributor.authorStouten, Paulen
dc.contributor.authorRosenboom, Hermanen
dc.publisherLodz Univeristy Pressen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesEuropean Spatial Research and Policy;20en
dc.rightsThis content is open access.en
dc.titleUrban Regeneration in Lyon Connectivity and Social Exclusionen
dc.contributor.authorAffiliationStouten, Paul - Department of Urbanism at the Faculty of Architecture, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlandsen
dc.contributor.authorAffiliationRosenboom, Herman - Faculty of Architecture, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlandsen
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dc.contributor.authorEmailStouten, Paul - P.L.M.Stouten@tudelft.nlen
dc.contributor.authorEmailRosenboom, Herman - H.J.Rosenboom@tudelft.nlen

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