Własność w sensie ekonomicznym i prawnym a pozycja klasowa menedżerów
The article presents an attempt at possibly brief discussion of the main theses of the Marxist theory of ownership, determination of differences between ownership in its economic sense (or socio-economic sense) and ownership in its legal sense, and presentation of the problem of class membership of managers (especially, managers
of US corporations) against th e background of such Marxist authors as
C. Bettelheim, N. Poulantzas and G. Carchedi. The author comes to the conclusion that certain theses of these authors may be considered as irreconcilable with K. Marx' th eory of ownership. This concerns, for example, a thesis that managers of capitalist stock companies become automatically economic owners of means of production located in these companies and members of the bourgeois class as a result of the function performed by them in the capitalist system of production.